Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Why Is Eating Healthy - 963 Words

I believe that eating healthy can teach a person discipline in life. This and exercising have been my new lifestyle for now a year because I have seen benefits of living a healthy life. I live by this motto every day. Learning how to live clean or healthy is not easy at all; first people have to do research about what foods can, and cannot be eaten. Then, it’s learning what vitamins, nutrients and properties the body needs to make the metabolism go fast. I started to eat healthy because it can add to any person 10 years of life. During the process of assimilating to my new style, I learned a lot of things that now are very helpful to me. Even though the only point of eating healthy was to reduce my body fat percentage, I also learned how to manage my time, the difference between quantity and quality, and also how to resist temptations, like saying â€Å"NO† to junk food. The first week was hard; I had to eat 6 meals per day at certain times that I was not used to eat at, including the rules of eating like eating breakfast within an hour of waking up which is the most important meal of the day. Sometimes I would put alarm on my phone to let me know the time for me to eat certain meals like â€Å"7:00 breakfast† or â€Å"3:30 Snack 2†. That also meant I had to wake up early to be on point with my breakfast because my last meal or dinner was supposed to be before 7pm so that my body could digest it early. Soon, I started to go to sleep earlier and sleep the 9 hours that our bodies need,Show MoreRelatedWhy Is Eating Healthy?1157 Words   |  5 Pagesdealing with the conflicting feelings of whether or not they want to eat healthy, or just spoil themselves with junk foods. Dealing with those feelings, one thing decides for that person; the price. 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